1. Returned items should be unused and must be returned in original packaging with any enclosed documentation. We will issue a full refund on receipt, excluding the original delivery charge. Alternatively, if preferred, we will exchange the item.
  2. The item is your responsibility until it reaches us. Therefore, for your own protection, we recommend that you send the parcel using a delivery service that insures you for the value of the goods.
  3. Delivery charges are only refundable where goods are faulty and a refund is made.
  4. The cost of returning the item to us is your responsibility.
  5. There are no refunds on items damaged in delivery. In that case, you must file a claim with the carrier.
  6. In case of a refund, either partial or full, the transaction fees incurred by Leaders Resource Books will be deducted from the refund amount (Mpesa or credit card fees).
  7. The client has an obligation to respond to any communication either written or oral in order to facilitate delivery. Failure to which, Leaders Resource Books will deliver the item to the nearest or most convenient town/county.
  8. For international orders (outside Kenya), the client will be required to contact Leaders Resource Books before making an order for a shipping fee estimate.


You’re eligible for a refund within 7 days if you’re dissatisfied with your purchase due to an error on our part or if the product doesn’t arrive.

1. Incorrect Product / Not As Described / Damaged

You are eligible for a full refund of the purchase price, including original shipping costs, only if your return is a result of an error on our part. To receive a refund, you must return your item directly to us within 7 days of the estimated delivery date and in the same condition you received it in.

2. Product Did Not Arrive

You are eligible for a full refund of the purchase price, including shipping costs, if your product hasn’t arrived 30 days past the estimated delivery date. If the shipper/courier provides tracking information indicating the book has arrived, the return is void.

In cases where the product is returned to us for any of the following reasons, the refund price includes product price only: incomplete address, unclaimed, returned to sender, or similar.